Gateway Software Update Release Notes

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Software change log

Latest version:
Last updated: 11-03-2024

Download the latest version here

 Pressac EnOcean Gateway – March 2024

  • Fixed issues which caused the Pressac EnOcean Gateway (PEG) to have significant increases in data usage.

 Pressac EnOcean Gateway – February 2024

  • Fixed LTE connectivity issues that were sometimes seen in Pressac Industrial Gateways with hardware variant and above.
  • Improved data validation on DHCP and Adaptor pages.
  • Fixed incorrect information being displayed when hovering over gateway serial numbers on Ethernet-only variants.
  • Improved input fields to enable quick replacement of current data, no longer requiring it to be deleted first.
  • Re-enabled password pasting on the login page to work with password managers.
  • Fixed the issue where setting the Ethernet or Wi-Fi adaptor to static mode would set both adaptors to static these can now be set independently. 

Pressac EnOcean Gateway – December 2023

  • Fixed issue when updating from gateway versions and below to would cause gateways to become unresponsive after rebooting.

Pressac EnOcean Gateway – December 2023

  • Added an On-Board Sensor – Gateway Status reporting gateway status and connection information. (find out more)
  • UPNP and mDNS can now be toggled On and Off in the System -> General tab.
  • Improved LTE re-connection logic.
  • Fixed network reset functionality that sometimes caused an issue when setting an adapter and restoring default DHCP settings.
  • Fixed incorrect CPU load value.
  • Fixed remote management command “adddevice” to send the security as a Boolean instead of a String.
  • Updated remote management command “enocean-geteeplist” to include all supported EEP’s.
  • Various improvements to the embedded help section.

Breaking Changes

  • Due to the IBM Watson IoT Platform being deprecated, the cloud connection has been removed from the gateway connection options, and any existing connection configuration has been removed.

Pressac EnOcean Gateway – February 2023

Feature Changes

The features that have been updated/added to the Pressac EnOcean Gateway are as followed:

  • Improved reconnection logic for the MQTT cloud connection.
  • Improved interface feedback on MQTT cloud connection.
  • Improved reconnection logic for the Remote Management connection.
  • Improved interface feedback on Remote Management connection.
  • Resolved the issue with multiple connections being configured if invalid credentials were entered on the Remote Management.
  • Additional error information in logs for the LTE connection using the AT+CEER command.
  • Improvements in the failover logic for the LTE, Ethernet and Wi-Fi connections.
  • Improvements for dropdowns on Safari browser.

Pressac EnOcean Gateway – November 2022

  • Improved LTE functionality.
  • Fixed bug where gateway could not update due to “hostname”.
  • Fixed error messages when updating the gateway.
  • Fixed bug with UPNP functioning incorrectly.
  • Fixed bug where DHCP was automatically setting to static instead of DHCP.
  • Updated gateway password requirement policy.
  • Improved gateway update procedure.
  • Improved logging functionality (standard and enhanced).
  • Various UI tweaks.
  • Added handling for TLS errors with Remote Management.
  • Added LED light power indication.
  • Added Modular Sensing Platform EEP.
  • Added login authorisation incorrect password lockout policy.
  • Added embedded gateway guide.
  • Added restrictions to the gateway name being set with illegal characters.
  • Added Base64 encoding for Azure IoT Hub.
  • Added additional MQTT authentication options, including the use of self-signed certificates.
  • Added additional LTE log reporting.
  • Re-added functionality to remove an EnOcean device using the device ID with Remote Management.
  • New device support:
    • D2-58-5C – Indoor Air Quality Sensor.
    • D2-58-5D – Room Condition Sensor.

Pressac EnOcean Gateway – September 2022

Feature Implementation

  • Conditional sensor added to Single Door People Flow Sensor device page. After feedback on the Single Door People Flow Sensor, we have added a conditional sensor option when commissioning your device. This will confirm the presence of a person by using a PIR sensor or Door & Window sensor. Once confirmed the gateway will send the payload to your connections.

Pressac EnOcean Gateway – August 2022

  • Improved logging for the LTE connection.
  • Improved the Wi-Fi connection to allow authentication with WPA2-EAP Wi-Fi networks.
  • New device support:
    • D2-14-58 – Indoor Multisensor

Breaking changes

  • Changed the method of authentication for Google Sheets. At Pressac, we try our hardest not to implement breaking changes in any of our software. But in this particular instance, Google removed support for the method of authentication that the gateway used to connect to Google Cloud so it was necessary to change this.
  • When adding support for the Indoor Multisensor device with multiple EEPs for a single device. This addition affected the commands for Remote Management when removing a device from the gateway. The payload must now include the EEP of the device to complete the removal.

Pressac EnOcean Gateway – April 2022

  • Added Wi-Fi signal strength to the Wi-Fi configuration page.
  • Added a notification that will notify the user if the NTP server is configured correctly/incorrectly.
  • Improved the Network Failover functionality by adding the function to ping an IP address after a set time to confirm the network has failed.
  • Added support for hardware revision
  • New device support:
    • D2-14-53- Leak Detection.

Caution: Please be advised, after the update has been completed there may be package updates installed onto your device; please ensure your device stays connected to the internet during the update process. This will result in additional data being used during the update.

Pressac EnOcean Gateway – September 2021

  • Fixed issue where Node-RED would not always reset when factory restoring factory settings to the gateway.
  • Fixed issue with accepting end-user agreement in some browsers and various other UI tweaks.
  • Fixed issue where the internal MQTT broker facilitating connections to Pressac’s Node-RED node entered a reboot loop in some circumstances.
  • Fixed issue with creating a new MQTT connection via remote management without previously defined MQTT connections.
  • Fixed issue with Docker log files exceeding their prescribed limits in some circumstances.
  • Fixed issue with AWS Connector not fully resetting after a factory restore.
  • Added the gateway’s IMEI number to the LTE configuration page.
  • Added support for Eclipse Hono remote management MQTT broker.
  • Added link to Pressac’s new support portal to the gateway menu and removed the built-in guide.
  • New device support:
    • D5-00-01 – Single Door People Flow.

Breaking changes:

EEP Rename A5-3F-7F. At Pressac, we try our hardest not to implement breaking changes in any of our software. But unfortunately, sometimes these types of changes are necessary for overall improvement.

  • EEP A5-3F-7F: Thermokon Analog Input has been renamed to A5-3F-7F: Universal


Pressac EnOcean Gateway – March 2021

  • Fixed issue where switching off the sending of duplicate payloads was not always acknowledged.
  • Fixed issue where the time zone used for error logging and connections was not always the same as the time zone defined in settings.
  • It is now no longer possible to view set passwords such as WiFi and LTE from the gateway administrator UI.
  • Performance improvements – e.g. faster login and page loading times.
  • Added support for IBM Watson IoT and Azure IoT Hub certificate authentication.
  • Added Google Sheets connection.
  • New device support
    • A5-07-01 – Ceiling Mount PIR
    • A5-12-00 – AMR Counter Sensor
    • A5-12-03 – AMR Water Sensor

Pressac EnOcean Gateway – June 2020

  • Fixed issue where DHCP settings were retained on factory restore if gateway had been configured to have a static IP address.
  • Fixed issue where messages from A5-09-04 and A5-07-01 EnOcean devices were rejected when the optional humidity or supply voltage values weren’t received.
  • Fixed issue where Pressac’s Node-RED node sometimes retained the device list of a previous gateway when another gateway was selected.
  • Improved navigation menu and various other UI tweaks.
  • Added confirmation requirement when navigating away from a configuration page without saving.
  • Added limit of 40 characters to device name and location.
  • Added link to release notes on update page.
  • Added initial remote management support via MQTT for managing.
    • EnOcean devices including adding, removing, editing and listing.
    • IBM Watson connection and check status.
    • Azure IoT Hub connection and check status.
    • MQTT settings, connections and check status.
  • New device support:
    • A5-14-05 – Vibration / Tilt with supply voltage monitor.
    • A5-30-01 – Single input contact with battery monitor.
    • D2-03-0A – Single button switch.
    • A5-04-03 – Temperature sensor -20°C to +60°C & 0% to 100% RH.

Pressac EnOcean Gateway – February 2020

  • Fixed issue where the 3 Channel Temperature Sensor values do not report correctly to IBM Watson IoT.
  • Fixed issue where NTP service can be switched on without defining NTP servers.
  • Fixed issue where device shadow JSON would be overwritten instead of appended to in the AWS connection.
  • Added option to send device shadow and standard messages at the same time to AWS connection.
  • Enabled capitalisation of the client id used on the AWS connection.
  • Added CHAP LTE authentication support.
  • Various UI tweaks.
  • New device support:
    • A5-07-03 – Occupancy with supply voltage monitor and 10-bit illumination measurement.
  • Pressac EnOcean Gateway – December 2019.
  • Performance improvements including web UI mobile optimisation.
  • Security improvements.
  • Added option to backup user uploaded certificates.
  • Added LTE connection type information to LTE status page.
  • Added option for 12 or 24-hour time format.
  • Updated Node-RED to version 1.0.0.
  • Added new variable inputs for use in connection topic creation.
    • devicename {devicename} – Enables device name as a variable.
    • deviceid {deviceid} – Enables device ID as a variable.
  • Improved robustness of MQTT and IBM Watson IoT connection.
  • Fixed issue that LTE connection took long periods of time to re-establish after a long period without signal.
  • Fixed issue where MQTT connection status was sometimes displayed incorrectly on the UI.
  • Fixed issue where bonjour service didn’t always function correctly.
  • Fixed issue where AWS initial status was incorrect.
  • Fixed issue with all message buffer not always being received after long periods without connectivity.
  • Fixed issue with time not always being set without NTP server option switched on.
  • Fixed issue with Pressac Sensor Node-RED node not always being loaded automatically.
  • Fixed issue with 3 Channel Temperature sensor last values not displaying correctly in the UI.
  • Fixed issue with gateway incorrectly displaying as offline in some configurations.

Pressac EnOcean Gateway – October 2019

  • Fixed issue where large log files generated by some configurations can cause stability issues.

Pressac EnOcean Gateway – September 2019

  • Performance improvements – e.g. even faster loading of pages.
  • Support for Ethernet-only variant of gateway hardware.
  • Node-RED now included as an embedded gateway application.
  • Added AWS IoT Core connection.
  • Improved reliability and robustness of all existing connections.
  • Improved adaptor and failover connection handling.
  • Fixed issue with Temperature and Humidity sensor missing sensor values in payload.
  • Fixed various UI issues.
  • Added ability to change gateway name from UI.
  • New device support:
    • A5-07-01 – Occupancy PIR.
    • D5-00-01 – Dry Contact Sensor.
    • A5-3F-7F – Thermokon
    • n 0 – 10v Analogue Input Module.
    • A5-09-07 – PM2.5 Sensor.
    • A5-06-02 – Lux Sensor.
    • A5-12-01 – Pulse Counter.
    • F6-05-01 – Water Leak Sensor.

Breaking Changes:

  • Additional and optional payload data for all connections. At Pressac, we try our hardest not to implement breaking changes in any of our software. But unfortunately, sometimes these types of changes are necessary for overall improvement.
  • In order to implement the highly requested features of both additional and optional payload data, we needed to slightly alter the payload structure for all connections. More information regarding the new payload structure can be found in the file Pressac Gateway Example Sensor Data v0.1.json. We do hope you enjoy this new functionality.
    A list of the optional payload data can be found below: 
  • Timestamp
  • Device Name
  • Device ID
  • Device Type
  • Gateway Name
  • Device Location
  • Device Values
  • Device Values Unit
  • Signal Strength
  • Security